Be aware, Manage well.

Everyone experiences stress in different ways. Let Alivio guide you, in a personalized journal experience, to overcome your stress.

Find Your Way
How it works

Understand & Release the stress in 3 steps

Alivio offers as many journals it takes, tackling different areas such as anxiety, overwhelmedness, sadness, or anger, and a variety of personal causes, to help you become aware of your emotions, and guide you in how to manage stress.

Answer a quick survey about how you express yourself, what causes you stress, and what area would you like to work on. This way, we can fully personalize your journal!
Personalize image
02Write & Understand
Write, draw, reflect, understand. Alivio will guide you through the prompts and will help you manage your stress!
Write & Understand image
Now you are aware, and have a way to manage and overcome your own stress. What are you waiting for? Alivio today!
Alivio image

Let's hear about Kayla's success story

See how well Alivio works in a real customer’s life.

Let’s get started
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Customized For
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Your custom contents

  • Understand your stress
  • Anger management
Our product

You tell us your stress,
We make your diary

Everyone experiences it, and in different ways. Let Alivio guide you, in a personalized journal experience, to overcome your stress.

Find Your Way